
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Brain dump

Talk about neglecting a blog! I need to get better about this!

Here's my brain dump update:

  • There has been a LOT going on since the last post. I've gotten through a couple more wedding checks and have already sent out deposits. I'm just happy things are coming together.
  • We took a road trip to Atlanta in early June to celebrate the baptism of Squish, the daughter of our friends Niki and Sandy. It was a tiny peek into what our wedding will be like, in terms of the people, the dancing, the fun. It reminded me what our wedding is about - celebrating our new chapter with the people we love. The details are not as important!
  • While in ATL, we drove over to Stone Mountain. J had many memories as a young boy there, so it was nice going there with him and listening to him reminisce. We watched a glass blowing demonstration (not on my 101 things in 1001 days list, but it was something I wanted to see anyway) AND we were hand-picked to have something custom-made...and take pictures of it being made BEHIND the scenes. Very cool (and hot) experience. We didn't make it to the Georgia Aquarium - but I realize that we would have to dedicate an entire day for that...and we just didn't have the time. Looks like we'll have to plan another trip back! ;o)
  • We went to the North Carolina mountains for the week of July 4th. Jordan's family has a little cabin tucked in the woods. While there, we went ruby mining and whitewater rafting. Ruby mining was fun; whitewater rafting experience. 
Jordan, my father-in-law, brother-in-law and one guide fell overboard. My sister-in-law, the other guide, and I were left on the raft to battle the hydraulic and try not to flip the raft over until they pulled us out. To add insult to injury, I got smacked across the nose with a paddle by accident and was a bloody mess. Good times!

Speaking of my "101 in 1001" list - I've crossed a few more things off:

8. Go to the mountains

25. Try 3 new recipes a month (Without even trying, I've been doing this steadily for the past few months...I am working on meal planning, so that allows me to try new recipes)

62. Start the envelope system (I need a half cross-off here...because I did start this and it sort of worked, but I dropped it after a month...I fully intend to re-start with my next paycheck)

63. Read one new book a month - Back on the wagon. Just finished A Discovery of Witches and starting Shadow of the Night.

84. Go whitewater rafting

93. Try 10 new restaurants - (9/10 - Shalizaar and Fog Harbor in SF, Bad Daddy's Burger Bar in Charlotte, Mylos Greek Restaurant, Athens Pizza in and Flip Burger Boutique in Atlanta, Kin Noodle Bar, 3rd on 3rd, & Riverside Market) - I'm sure we've done 10, I just can't think of the other new ones we've tried 

94. Scuba dive (Yuuuup - I did it. This girl and her guy are now scuba certified. I'd never gone further than 6 ft on snorkel and the fact that I went 11 on a tank was a feat! We had an open water dive [off of a boat in 4ft seas] and I hit 62ft!! Certified bad-ass, thank you very much!)

Has any one out there done anything exciting lately?

I promise not to leave my little blog hanging for so long again!

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