
Thursday, January 24, 2013

101 in 1001

I saw this idea on a blog and since I love scribbling to-do lists and checking things off, I thought it’d be fun to do this. You make of 101 things you would like to accomplish in the next 1001 days. Kind of like a bucket list! If I start this today, January 24, 2013, I should finish it by October 22, 2015 (so far away!) 

It will be a random list and I’ll probably procrastinate and shuffle to complete it by October 2015,  BUT maybe I’ll just surprise myself and actually cross things off in a timely manner. Some things will require more time, money, and effort, but these are things I really want to do, so I hope to stick to it.

1. Go to Washington, D.C.
2. Go to New Orleans
3. Go to Seattle
4. Go to Georgia Aquarium
5. Go on a cruise
6. See the Grand Canyon
7. Go to Colorado
8. Go to the mountains July 2013
9. Have wine in Napa February 2013
10. Travel to 3 new places in Greece
11. Go to Costa Rica

12. Learn how to properly use my Canon Rebel
13. Participate in a month-long photography challenge
14. DIY our wedding – favors, invites, escort cards, decorations
15. Master the art of meal planning
16. Refresh my Photoshop skills
17. Get sewing machine & learn how to sew
18. Take a photo of the same thing/place every month for a year
19. Go to Art Basel or any other arts festival
20. Master a delicious Beef Wellington
21. Get my ruby from Jordan’s grandfather set in a necklace
22. Spend the day at a botanical garden and take photos
23. Do a DIY project from young house love
24. Learn how to use my Cricut

Expand Knowledge
25. Try 3 new recipes a month (steadily and consistently)
26. Start graduate school
27. Learn American Sign Language
28. Learn how to change a tire and change my oil
29. Learn calligraphy
30. Practice driving stick shift
31. Polish up on my Spanish – read a book/watch a movie in Spanish
32. Expand my vocabulary by 100 words

33. Run a marathon – the Food & Wine, or the Princess marathon!
34. Eat gluten free for a week a month
35. Do a detox – and do it every 3 months
36. Find a fitness regimen and stick to it – Crossfit!
37. Find out my blood type
38. Give up diet coke - *sob!*
39. Find a skincare regimen
40. Take a yoga class

Organize/ Home Improvement
41. Organize the back bedroom/office
42. Hang pallet wall, TV, mirrors in master bedroom and shelves
43. Reorganize/fancy-up the linen closet
44. Backup computer files from computer to external hard drive
45. Scan all important documents/receipts, etc. and toss hard copies that aren’t needed
46. Repaint the living room
47. Try to score fancy washer & dryer (dreaaaaaam)
48. Close in car port
49. Complete backyard landscaping/porch projects
50. Organize files and photos by year – toss old documents
51. Decide on and put up curtains in all bedrooms
52. Clean out closets and makeover wardrobe – essential pieces!
53. Organize my recipes

54. Get on a good payment plan for loans
55. Buy a boat
56. Invest a good chunk of our paychecks into our savings account
57. Learn to coupon – and master it!
58. Eat out only once a week (or less) a month
59. Set up retirement plans
60. Put $10 in a our piggy bank for every task I complete ($15 if Jordan completes it with me)
61. Complete a No Spend Month challenge
62. Start the envelope system Started - just have to stick to it

Good for the Soul
63. Read one new book per month A Discovery of Witches and Shadow of the Night
64. Give up television for a week
65. Attend church weekly
66. Don’t complain about anything for a week
67. Help a friend achieve a goal
68. Do 10 random acts of kindness for complete strangers
69. Write and mail 10 letters
70. Leave an Operation: Beautiful note every day for a month
71. Put change in someone’s expired parking meter

Life Changers
72. Get married
73. Get pregnant :o)
74. Move out February 2013

Things that need to be done/Just for fun
75. Have a quilt made from all those t-shirts Jordan keep hanging onto from his youth
76. Host a theme party at our house
77. Rescue a puppy & name him Sirius Black ;o) - Rescued a puppy and named her Luna Sirius...yet! ;o)
78. Go to a UM/FSU football game
79. Go to a Heat game
80. Go to a Panthers game
81. See a movie at a drive-in, just because
82. Plan a surprise date night for Jordan
83. Go on a romantic date every month
84. Go white water rafting
85. Go skiing
86. Complete 2 pins off my craft boards per month
87. Get a tattoo, or 2 :-D
88. Watch a meteor shower
89. See Dave Matthews in concert
90. See Florence + the Machine in concert
91. Clean my engagement ring every 3 months
92. Go fishing – and catch a fish, by myself
93. Try 10 new restaurants (9/10 - Shalizaar and Fog Harbor in SF, Bad Daddy's Burger Bar in Charlotte, Mylos Greek Restaurant, Athens Pizza in and Flip Burger Boutique in Atlanta, Kin Noodle Bar, 3rd on 3rd, & Riverside Market) - I'm sure we've done 10, I just can't think of the other new ones we've tried
94. Scuba dive
95. Host a game night
96. Get my concealed weapons permit
97. Host a cookie exchange party
98. Watch 26 movies I’ve never seen before, each starting with a different letter of the alphabet
99. Go to SunFest
100. Go ziplining
101. Attend another outdoor concert in Mizner FeBREWary Beer Fest with The All-American Rejects

Here's a quick flashback of the things I have crossed off my bucket list:

Ate a Chicago Chicago. And saw the Bean! (2010)

Saw Marilyn Monroe's hand/foot prints at the Chinese Theater. And walked the Walk of Fame. 7 gazillion photos of the stars were taken. (2011)
Saw the Hollywood sign! This was a big deal to me. A tear might've fallen from my eye. In addition to doing all this touristy stuff with me, my sweet fiancé drove all around Beverly Hills just to take me to Sprinkles Cupcakes so I could have their famous red velvet cupcakes. It was WORTH the drive!! He's my favorite! (2011)
I saw snow FALL for the first time and built my first snowman! (2011) This is Snowy. He was cute. But I  wish someone would've told me that rolling balls of snow takes hours...or maybe I'm just not an expert yet ;o)

Walked Golden Gate. In high-heeled boots. I also hiked up a mountain in these babies. My fiancé and our friend were highly amused by this, after failing to tell me we'd be doing a lot of walking that day, but let the record state that I survived...and did not complain once! Boom! (2012)
Saw Alcatraz, from far away. I will need to actually go on the island to officially cross this off my bucket list. (2012)

Is there anything you’ve been wanting to achieve or accomplish? 

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